PHOTOVOGUE is VOGUE ITALY photography platform curated by the Photo Editors of Vogue Italia: A platform for photographers to showcase their talent with the opportunity to take part in international exhibitions and initiatives and the chance of being represented by New York agency Art+Commerce, one of the most prestigious in the world.
Portrait Photo Awards is the home of the best portrait photographs from all over the world. It is a place where the most talented creators can share their work and compete with each other for a place in our monthly collections.
Foodelia Awards is the home of the best food photographs from all over the world. It is a place where the most talented creators can share their work and compete with each other for a place in our monthly collections.
ECHOES FROM LEBANON Virtual Art Exhibition under the theme of Arts & Politics. The concept was created and organized by “I Have Learned Academy” in collaboration with Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Lebanon Office.
Highlighting the artistic contribution during the Lebanese Revolution of October 17, 2019.